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Some well known, others whose stories had never been told. Crisscrossing the country, I recorded interviews with a hundred people. I’m Eric Marcus, and nearly three decades ago I wrote an oral history of the LGBTQ civil rights movement. This is Making Gay History and season two is almost here. In this preview we offer a taste of what’s to come in Season Two, featuring the extraordinary voices of Shirley Willer, Hal Call, Barbara Gittings, Jean O’Leary, Morris Foote, and Randy Wicker and Marsha P. Making Gay History mines Eric Marcus’s 30-year-old audio archive of rare interviews to create intimate, personal portraits of both known and long-forgotten champions, heroes, and witnesses to LGBTQ history. Photo by Leonard Fink, courtesy of the LGBT Community Center National History Archive. Johnson (left) with unidentified man at the Christopher Street Liberation Day Gay Pride Parade, New York City, June 24, 1973. Photo by Kay Lahusen, courtesy of the Manuscripts and Archives Division, New York Public Library.

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Photo by Larry Butler, courtesy of the Botts Collection, University of Houston Libraries.

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Jean O’Leary, Jat the Houston, Texas, Gay Pride Parade.

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